If you are looking to cut your logs to length the easiest way possible, look no further than the Baker Circle Slasher Log Cut- Off System.
Long logs enter on a Baker 2- to 6-strand Log Infeed Deck, then fed into the Heavy-Duty Hourglass Roller Infeed Conveyor.
A single operator controls it all with centrally-located joysticks, foot pedals, and push buttons. Once the log is positioned at the desired cut-to-length point, the circular slasher-saw is lowered in a chopping action. Dual log clamps hold the material in place as the log is cut to length. All components of the Baker Circle Slasher Log Cut-Off System including the Log Infeed Deck, Hourglass Rollers, 48" Circle Slasher Saw and other material handling conveyors can be custombuilt to your specifications.