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Inclined Waste Conveyor

Having the right material handling equipment can provide you with a smooth, high production operation. Efficient flow and proper handling of materials are accomplished using Baker Material Handling Conveyors and Decks.

Baker Products offers a variety of configurations such as multistrand unscrambler decks, log infeed decks, belt or trough transfer conveyors, and roll cases with dead or live rollers. Baker equipment can be custom-built in any shape or form to suit most every application. Rollers, belts, and chains are among the items that can be incorporated into a custombuilt piece of material handling equipment.

A variety of hydraulic and electric drives are also  available. Best of all, every piece of equipment is ruggedly constructed for many years of operation. Whether you are processing cants, boards, squares, or ties, Baker Products can help your operation become more efficient, productive, and profitable.

Products specifications are subject to change without notice.