Call Toll Free: (800) 548-6914(800) 548-6914
Our Story
Baker Products has grown from a one-man shop in 1979 to a thriving manufacturing company with more than 100 employees and a global network of customers and distributors.

Our Mission Statement

It is the mission of Baker Products to provide quality equipment and service to members of the worldwide wood industry. Baker Products achieves this goal through qualified employees, advanced manufacturing technology and creative innovations.

We manufacture the most trusted equipment in the woodworking industry.
Building quality machinery for the woodworking industry since 1988.

We have manufactured wood products since 1979 and since 1988 we have built quality machinery strictly for the woodworking industry. If you want durable equipment backed by long-lasting customer service, then you want to check out our products today!

We Use Our Machines, We Understand Your Needs

Not only do we build and sell machines and wood products, we use them in our on-site pallet mill facility. This gives us a unique perspective few competitors offer. The equipment we design and depend on includes the very same features you want; it's reliable, easy to use, of high quality, yet reasonably priced.

Located on 80 Acres in the Ozarks.

Our people have a genuine passion for the woodworking industry because we live it here in the Missouri Ozarks. Contact one of our experienced representatives today.

Custom Capabilities

We understand that you can't always find a machine or complete system that will fit your company's particular needs in a pre-packaged box. We don't want to build machines that are just "acceptable" to your business; we want to build machines that are "perfect" for your specific operation!